How to mind map like a pro? Ask Barry Mapp

I have recently finished “ Mastering the Skill of Effective Mind Mapping”,  from Barry Mapp and Michael de Groot.

I must confess I suscribed without too many expectations. But I was pleasently surprised. To the point that it´s one of the best courses I´ve qualified on Udemy.

The exposition is methodical, step by step, nothing is taked for granted. The rithym is  sometimes slow. But it´s in favour of  very clear explanations.

I know some of you may be thinking that drawing isn´t your thing.  I can assure that it´s not necessary be a good at drawing to enjoy and get value from this course. Basically empowers the importance of keywords in order to trigger associations that allow to concatenate concepts and reconstruct the discourse from a few relevant words.

I´d like to highlight that this udemy course gives much more than what´s promised in the  sinopsis.

There´s a glance of very interesting metaconginitive aspects and how this relate to mindmapping. Barry´s explanation of the utility and function of mindmapping is truly convicing.

There´s plenty of resources. Ming maps are hand made and the process it´s showed with very little detail. On one hand reflects the author preference but I also believe that it´s still the most practical way to do a mind map. I admit I have only tried with the most popular online mind mapping tools, but they didn´t convinced me.


When to use a mind map

Mind mapping is a great way to summarize the content of a book in just one page! But also all kind of discourses that can be chunked and nested .  A mind map is a fast, practical resource to facilitate evocation and remember complex topics.

A very important task the course takes in its hands is that shows quite clearly: how the process  of hierarchy works and how you can improve your capacity to put in order and classify information

In a few words this course is a very rich experience for those interested in adopting new ways to show  ideas, facilitate evocation and improve retention of concepts or just useful information.

Our final tip

As a former student I really recommend this course. After you are pleased with your hand made mind map, you can take a photo and apply some filters from picassa or photoshop and have great fun.  (Here´s an example I did after reading a great personal management book.)  Happy mind mapping!


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